Evolution, Darwin, God, and the Horse-People

Evolution, Darwin, God, and the Horse-People

Evolution, Darwin, God, and the Horse-People


Alternate name:
Evolution, Darwin, God, and the Horse-People 2022


Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu

Graphic Novels,


Evolution is a documentary comic book about the theory of evolution. But it is also a sometimes zany work of fiction in which actors put on a play about Darwinian evolution and its political extensions. During the writing and rehearsing of the play, they will be confronted by an evangelical sect that wants to promote creationism and thus stop the play from being performed at all costs. They''ll also cross paths with a rich transhumanist industrialist who wants to influence the text... After their previous collaboration on Extinctions, Alexandre Franc and Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu enlighten and entertain once again!

Chapter (Issue) List